Performance, Art & Learning Program
PAL™ 2025 – Spring Assemblies
Spring 2025 registration has closed. Please join us again this fall for Chika Di and more amazing performers!
If you are not on our list and would like to receive information about upcoming assemblies, please add your name to our PAL Email List. (Be sure to add to your contacts so we don’t end up in your spam folder.)
If you need help planning your classroom or school participation with PAL, please email ( or call us (510.865.5060). We are here to help with your arts education journey!
About PAL
Rhythmix Cultural Works believes that exposure to the arts can be a transformative experience and a catalyst for cultural celebration. In support of this vision, Rhythmix developed PAL as an assembly-based youth arts education program in collaboration with the Alameda Unified School District.
Through exposure to educational music and dance performances, PAL fosters awareness of world cultures and empowers underserved youth, stimulating a sense of pride in students’ cultural heritage and deepening connections to their communities. PAL assemblies serve as a catalyst for arts learning and a springboard for integrating arts education in the classroom.
Thanks to the belief in the power of arts education and generous support from our funders and sponsors, PAL has served over 108,000 students since it launched in 2012.
If you would like to help support arts education programming for Alameda County youth, please consider a donation today!
Past PAL Performances
For images of all the assemblies: click for photos.
For images of all the assemblies, click for photos.
AEF Art Videos
Through a partnership with the Alameda Education Foundation (AEF), PAL offers free visual art videos featuring profiles of local artists and hands-on art projects for all Alameda County youth!
Thanks to our Current Funders and Partners
Rhythmix would also like to thank its past funders for their support in this program: Alameda County Arts Commission, Alameda Unified School District, Bridge Bank, East Bay Community Foundation, Fleishhacker Foundation, Gabriele Von Ingersleben & Russell Scott, Laurel Scheinman, Lauren and Joshua Cook, McDonald’s Golden Grants, The Newman’s Own Foundation, the Perforce Foundation, Shuler-Heimburger Family Fund, the Thomas J. Long Foundation, Victor Jin & Dianne Richmond, the Walter and Elise Haas Foundation, the West End Arts & Entertainment District.
PAL Letters from Students
For more information regarding your school’s participation or to become a Rhythmix PAL, please send us an email.
Invest in the Arts
Please help Rhythmix continue to make a difference in Alameda and beyond by making a tax-deductible donation TODAY. Donations of any size are greatly appreciated. One hundred percent of your contributions support Rhythmix’s mission to create a diverse community-based arts center for regional and international artists, musicians and dancers.