Rituales Memorial Art Workshop
$ FREE - Donations Welcomed. Please RSVP
5:00 pm to 6:30 pm
Tuesday, September 10, 2024


With Artist Susan Oppie

Join us to learn about memorial art; and to create your own memorial collage in honor of a loved one (human or other species) who has died.

If available, bring a photo or two of who you’d like to honor- however, photos are not required.

Supplies will be provided but, please, bring any magazines, cuttings, or ephemera you would like to include in your piece.

Ages 6 (w/ an adult) and up. The workshop can accommodate 20 people. Additional guests are welcome to view the exhibit.

About the Artist

Susan Oppie became a registered nurse (RN) in 1998. Early in her career she began to realize just how disconnected our society had become from our final rite of passage, Death. And how we have been programmed to believe that the subsequent grief following a death is something that has a time limit. Through the creative process, she works through the grief she carries and has learned the beauty of honoring the memory of a life that in some way affected her personally. Grief has become a practice, an integral part of her daily life.

Susan has made it her mission to help our society heal the wound created by our disconnection from death and grief. She is a cofounder of One Washcloth which facilitates involvement in the healing act of care for a loved one after death. And after living in Oakland, CA for three years, she is moving back to her home state of Texas to care for her elderly mother.

Banner image: Artwork by Susan Oppie