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Tuesday, October 20, 2015
15 Artists Show Digital Prints at Rhythmix

New Prints on Paper and CanvasIn the K Gallery September 10th – October 4Opening reception September 11th in conjunction with Estuary Art Attack  Participating artists: CHRIS DONTON, SUSAN TUTTLE, RUSS OSTERWEIL, LILEA DURAN, SEAN HENRY, JOHN SHERIDAN, JOE DISTEFANO, LEOPI NICOLA, VERA TOUR, MARK FISHER, GARY-PAUL PRINCE, MAX MELLENTHIN, TAKUMA YOSHIDA, EVE LYNNE ROBINSON, AND JC GARRETT.As the empire watches its thunder stolen by rising nations, is the American mindset merely focused on wresting material resources from the rest of the world or on investigating and solving its own internal problems and contradictions? This exhibit of prints spans wide artistic meditations and a response – on the results of our imperialistic military violence to the world, to the innermost feelings and conflicts in the perceptions of our own bodies, our very deep ethnic and sexual sensibilities, to memories, to our inundation and immersion in our own iconic and popular grafftic art and advertising imagery. Imagine trying to find the Muse of artistic inspiration in an American culture that is morphing, expanding and deflating at the same time. This the milieu the artists in this exhibit have accepted and their work is lively, extremely varied and challenging!

Spreading out the images of these 15 artists on the walls of the Rhythmix gallery may give us insight into who and where we were, who we think we are, and where we may be headed. This is an exhibition about identity. Will you see yourself in these deeply felt images? Can your future be seen in the present and recent past? And can commentaries on past and future, and the interior mind and the external world be used to create universal art??
– John Sheridan

John Sheridan