Make and Take Workshops: Snowy Plover with Artist Ginny Parsons (1:00PM)
$ $20 (includes materials – 12 spots only!)
1:00 pm to 2:00 pm
Saturday, June 29, 2024


Snowy Plover are an endangered bird that nest on the Alameda beach. Come use reuse materials to tape and marker your own snowy plover with local artist Ginny Parsons.

Kids and grownups welcome (Ages six and up)

About the Artist

Ginny Parsons is an intuitive painter using common household ingredients like borax and peanut butter. An environmental artist, Ginny paints on found materials. She shows at Gray Loft Gallery and curates at Rhythmix K Gallery.

Banner image: Ginny Parsons, Snowy Plover.